みやざきさんのあたらしいえいがは「風たちぬ」です。えいごで"The Wind Rises"です。らいねんのにがつにアメリカへきます。ひこうきのえいがです。
I am so excited to see this movie! This is sadly, Miyazaki's last movie, although Studio Ghibli will continue to exist. It is about the real life man that invented the Japanese planes used in World War II. It is his first historical movie and apparently it stirred up some controversy and touched upon contentious issues.This is the trailer for it, it looks beautiful and interesting as all his other movies!
After losing the Second World War and under heavy American pressure, Japan relinquished it’s armed forces. Nowadays they just have peacekeeping forces, but it is constitutionally forbidden to have assemble an army. The conservatives in Japan are starting to call for a change in policies and for the creation of Japanese armed forces.
Miyazaki, through his movie, is trying to show how destructive war can be and has received some criticism for being “anti-Japan”. The main character in his movie that designed the plane used by Japan during the war, was “Just trying to make something beautiful” and not cause death. Just Einstein thought his theory could supply the world with infinite energy and not create the atomic bomb.
As you can imagine this is a very prickly topic, with good arguments for both sides, which the movie all the more interesting to see.
It is a cultural representation of Japan, as well a historical and political movie, of Japan’s past and in a way future.